Dealing With The Cause Of Your Suspicions Instead Of Jumping To Conclusions About Her Cheating On You

When it comes to your suspicions about her cheating on you it is much easier to simply jump to conclusions instead of dealing with the actual cause of your suspicions.

Jumping to conclusions gives her an easy out and even easier way to continue cheating on you if she is cheating on you.

What makes jumping to conclusions about her infidelity even worse is it leaves you powerless no matter if she is or isn’t cheating on you.

Without knowing the real cause of your suspicions you can either confront her or keep your suspicions to yourself.

Either way, unless she tells you or you find out that she is cheating or you in your mind you will continue to be powerless and you won’t be able to hide it from her.

In addition to being powerless the real cause of your suspicions will begin to weaken you emotionally.

Until you find yourself too weak to find the strength to move on if she really is cheating on you and not strong enough to keep her if she isn’t cheating on you.

Yet, once you can decide now to deal with and find the source of your suspicions.

You will find yourself coming from a position of strength so powerful that if you truly discover that your suspicions really are about her and not you’re past relationship or something you have to improve yourself.

You will no longer be willing to stay in a relationship with a woman who causes your level of suspicion to rise and she will make the changes that you want or watch you end the relationship the two of you had; if you want to maintain your power.

Teddy Shabba has been helping men achieve happiness and success with women in a way that allows you to feel authentic and comfortable with women.
If you are a man looking to make a change with women for the better Teddy Shabba is available for one-on-one coaching and can be reached by visiting his website at